
Find people who work in New York City government or have applied to work in it.

Our search results come from multiple open and public city data sources:

  • Contact info for city agencies and staff from NYC Greenbook
  • People currently working for the city from Civil List (Active)
  • People who’ve taken a civil service test from Civil List
  • People who received city government salaries last year from Citywide Payroll Data (Fiscal Year)
Civil Service Titles

NYC’s government workforce is composed of people who hold “civil service titles”. These are the official descriptions of the work that city employees perform. These titles link individuals to positions, salaries, organizational charts and more.

Title Code Title Description Standard Hours Assignment Level Bargaining Unit Positions Union Description Minimum Salary Maximum Salary
More Titles
Organizational Chart

New York City has the largest municipal government in the USA, employing over 300,000 people in over 160 different organizations.

This interactive chart is modeled after the city’s official organization chart. It documents the relationship between city officials and agencies. Click and drag to view the full chart and click on the entities to see their WeGov profiles.

More Organizations