Manhattan Community Board # 7
Representing Manhattan Community District 7
Reports to Manhattan Borough President
FY2021 MMR Agency Resources
NYC agency resources from the FY21 Mayor's Management Report (MMR), including expenditures (includes all funds), personnel, revenue and paid overtime. This data is an overview of the financial and workforce resources used by an agency over the past five fiscal years and the planned resources available to the agency in the current and upcoming fiscal years.
The FY2021 MMR, archived reports, and additional information is available at
Resource Indicators | FY17 Actual | FY18 Actual | FY19 Actual | FY20 Actual | FY21 Actual (Not Yet Final) | FY21 (Authorized Bugdet Level) | FY22 (Authorized Bugdet Level) | 5yr Trend |
This data comes from FY2021 MMR Agency ResourcesLast updated 07/25/2023